“It is an awesome privilege to be able to impact lives every day through medicine. It doesn’t matter if I am working in a rural village in Africa or home in North Carolina, helping children achieve health is what being a pediatrician is all about!”
Whether working on the pediatric hospitalist team at New Hanover Regional Medical Center or serving as a medical missionary in Kenya, Dr. Cook has imparted his wisdom and philosophy of compassionate care to medical students and residents throughout his career.
Originally from Oklahoma, he has lived in North Carolina since 2011, and his wife, Becky, was born in Wilmington. Dr. Cook has worked as a pediatric hospitalist at New Hanover Regional Medical Center since moving here and served as medical director of pediatric and newborn services in 2014 and 2015.
For the past two years, Dr. Cook and his family lived in Kijabe, Kenya where he provided pediatric care to resource-poor and orphaned children at A.I.C. Kijabe Hospital. While there, he provided pediatric training to local Kenyan physicians. Dr. Cook has a heart for missions and has been actively involved in Samaritan’s Purse and Freedom Baptist Church.
“My faith impacts my daily practice as a physician. Not only should we, as christians, share about the love and grace of Jesus Christ, but we should also care for those with physical needs. My work in medicine provides opportunities to do this everyday.”
Outside Dockside Pediatrics, Dr. Cook enjoys traveling with his family, golf, and watching football with his sons. He and his wife have four children: Natalie, Sutton, Beckett and Maggie Joy.
Undergraduate: Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Weatherford, Oklahoma
Medical School: Kansas City University, Kansas City, Missouri
Residency/Fellowship: Children’s Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri